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​张天阳 Zhang Tianyang

长笛 单簧管 小提琴 中提琴 大提琴 钢琴
for Flute, Clarinet, Violin, Viola, Cello, Piano 


With the meteorite falling and burning, the musical materials are combined and shortened. Finally break into plenties of strong chords. That’s on which earth is impacted and thus it has quake.

该作品获得2015年第六届上海音乐学院“百川奖”比赛三等奖。于2015年12月5日由指挥家张亮与 Klang Forum Wien 首演于上海音乐学校贺绿汀音乐厅。 


This piece won the Third prize in 6th Rivers Awards Competition of Shanghai Conservatory of Music, which premiered by Klangforum Wien and conducted by ZHANG Liang on December 5th, 2015 in Helvting Concert Hall in Shanghai Conservatory of Music. 

Palm Crest Elementary, La Canada, Calif. 
Published: 2 July 2003
Artist: Kira 5th Grade

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